Peace, alignment & comfort for your mind, body & soul


Body Acceptance-We will deconstruct myths and perceptions about bodies and work toward removing value, stigma, and judgment from your relationship with your body. Accepting and working with the body you have today. Learn how to do no harm, but take no shit! Feel empowered to live your truth! Your body is the least exciting thing about you.
Intuitive Eating-IE is an evidence-based model that helps people make peace with food, movement, and body. Let's take a deep dive into understanding how, when, and where your "food rules" originated. PSA: You can can call a truce with carbs, & you never have to "earn" your food again. 
Disordered Eating- There is likely a lot to unpack here and that's okay! Perhaps you feel preoccupied with food, weight, and body image, these thoughts negatively impact your quality of life. You feel out of control and ashamed of how you eat. Your loved ones knowing about your deep struggles with food sounds like your worst nightmare, amiright? 
Weight Stigma-We will process ways that fatphobia and weight discrimination impact your daily existence. You are worthy of kindness and love. People in larger bodies unequivocally matter and we're allowed to take up space. #BigChickEnergy
Relationships- We will process and work through anything and everything human connection related. Maybe you're hoping to re-connect with a partner or loved one, improve assertive communication, establish healthy boundaries, or perhaps you realize it's time to break free from a relationship that no longer serves you. 
Self Compassion-With self-compassion, we give ourselves the same kindness and care we'd give to a good friend. Learn ways to use compassion and self-kindness to transform suffering!